Anti-Bribery & Corruption Policy
EXOUSIA RESEARCH LIMITED is committed to the highest standards of ethical conduct and integrity in its business activities. This policy outlines our position on preventing and prohibiting bribery, in accordance with anti-bribery laws. Exousia will not tolerate any form of bribery by, or of, its employees, agents or consultants or any person or body acting on its behalf.
Definition of Bribery
Bribery refers to the act of offering, giving, promising, asking, agreeing, receiving, accepting, or soliciting something of value or of an advantage so to induce or influence an action or decision.
Bribery includes but is not limited to:
Offering or receiving undue advantage to gain commercial or contractual benefits
Excessive gifts, hospitality, and expenses payments
Political or charitable contributions to sway business decisions
Facilitation payments or “kickbacks” for expediting routine tasks
This policy applies to all employees of Exousia Research Limited, including all individuals working at all levels, irrespective of their position, role or office location. It extends to all our business dealings, in every country in which we operate.
Exousia Research Limited strictly prohibits bribery and corruption. We shall not participate in any corrupt practices, and we will not conduct business with any person or organization that is involved in such activities. It's our commitment to adhere to all laws and regulations related to the prevention of bribery and corruption.
The responsibility for upholding this policy lies with the board of directors. Every employee and individual acting on behalf of Exousia is expected to adhere to the anti-bribery rules and control measures in place. Adequate training will be provided to all employees to understand and implement this policy effectively.
The compliance with this policy will be regularly monitored and reviewed to ensure it is consistently applied. All employees are encouraged to raise concerns about any instance of malpractice at the earliest possible stage. Any allegations of non-compliance will be thoroughly investigated, and appropriate actions will be taken. The General Counsel will keep the Board informed about the issues and the result of investigations into such matters.
Non-adherence to this policy constitutes a serious disciplinary offence and may lead to penalties, including termination. Moreover, it could also lead to criminal liability for the individual involved and for Exousia.